Earth Day T-Shirt

Every year, a special Earth Day T-shirt is created in collaboration with a local brand to support environmental initiatives across Canada. The proceeds from these shirts fund the Tree Planting Relay, enabling tree planting nationwide. This year, Earth Day teamed up with C’est beau to design the official 2024 Earth Day T-shirt. Drawing from C’est beau’s skateboarding roots, I aimed to pay tribute to the brand while meeting the Earth Day association’s guidelines.

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For the photoshoot, we wanted to highlight the theme of eco-friendly transportation. The original idea was to have Judith ride or pose behind a bicycle near the Lachine Canal, but the weather wasn’t on our side that day. Last minute, we decided to do the photoshoot in Montreal’s fantastic metro station, and these are some photos of the end result.

Illustrator & Photographer : Giuseppe Arcuri
Motion Designer : Charles Desmarais
Talent : Judith Bernadet
Client : C’est Beau x Jour de la Terre


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