
I noticed I walk differently when I’m at a public pool. If you stop and think about it, it’s really your own personal runway, and that’s exactly how I treat it. Glasses on, shoulders back, and my nose parallel with the horizon.

On this particular day, as I was catwalking out of the bathroom, I looked down and locked eyes with this pretty little number. A Sony Walkman. It was sitting there alone, taking in the sun like the rest of us, waiting for the right someone to pick it up off the ground and hit that play button.

I stood there for two whole minutes thinking about what I should do with it. I picked it up; it felt nice, heavy with little scratches and personal indentation. I wanted it. I wanted it so bad I would have left $20 on the ground and walked off.

I catwalked back to the reception and handed it off to the pool staff, which was a handful of teenagers. They didn’t even know what I was handing them.

Owner, if you’re somehow reading this, you have great taste in music.

Giuseppe Arcuri

Designer from Montreal, Quebec


Sidewalk Table

